In 2022, It Was Reported That Jeff Serdy Was Listed Among 1,471 Arizonans That “Had Signed Up As Members Of The Oath Keepers.” “Four Arizona public officials, including the Republican candidate for secretary of state, appeared on a membership list of the Oath Keepers, an extremist anti-government group whose founder and leader has been charged in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. [...] The researchers discovered a total of 1,471 Arizonans had signed up as members of the Oath Keepers. Of those, 13 are members of law enforcement, five are first responders, five are military members and four are elected officials: [...] Jeff Serdy, Pinal County, District 5 supervisor.” [Jewish News, 9/14/22]
Serdy Confirmed He Was A Member, Saying That He “Joined Many Years Ago After First Taking My Oath Of Office.” “Serdy confirmed to Jewish News that he is a member. ‘I joined many years ago after first taking my oath of office. Since then I've sworn the oath to the constitution many more times,’ Serdy said, via email.” [Jewish News, 9/14/22]
In 2021, At A 2nd Amendment Rally, Serdy Publicly States That “I Personally Am A Member Of The Oath Keepers.” “Another thing about the uh, about going back to the recall and the people that do not work for us, is, if the election was so fair, then why are they so terrified to look into it? How do you stop a conspiracy theory? You investigate it. But they won’t investigate it at any level. So it’s obviously not a conspiracy theory. [...] Another thing, just about everybody here will be labeled as a militia member. And we all are if you read the constitution. A well regulated militia. That means we are all in the militia. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Don’t, don’t fall for that. I personally am a member of the oath keepers.”
On January 5, 2022, Serdy Posted A Photo Of What Appears To Be A Challenge Coin With The First Line From The Proud Boys Pledge, And Seemingly Indicating That January 6th Insurrectionists Are Political Prisoners. “January 6th…The Right to Freely Assemble without being made a political prisoner.”
The First Level Of Proud Boys Membership Requires An Oath That Says “I Am A Western Chauvinist And I Refuse To Apologize For Creating The Modern World.” “The group’s official ideology includes an oath of allegiance to western culture and stresses elevating masculinity, opposing Islam, and defending its community from a perceived ‘war on whites.’[8] Members of the Proud Boys undergo initiation rituals in order to gain degrees of status within the group. The first level requires members to take an oath: ‘I am a Western chauvinist and I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.’ At this point, members are permitted to attend formal Proud Boys meetings, which usually consist of ‘drinking, fighting, and reading aloud from Pat Buchanan’s Death of the West,’ an anti-immigrant treatise, according to McInnes. The next level of membership involves getting repeatedly punched until members can recite five kinds of breakfast cereal. To progress to the third level, members must get a Proud Boys logo tattoo.[9] Members achieve the highest level of status once they engage in violence on the group’s behalf, such as assaulting a left-wing activist. For example, in January 2017, McInnes was filmed punching a counter-protester at the Deploraball, a Washington, D.C.-based far-right gathering. When discussing his assault at a speaking event the next month, McInnes declared: ‘I cannot recommend violence enough. It’s a really effective way to solve problems.’[10]” [Stanford Center for International Security and Cooperation, accessed 9/1/23]
In His Personal Page, Serdy Posts Covid Conspiracy Theories Such As An Article Claiming An Unpublished Study Found 74% Of Covid Deaths Are Caused By The Vaccine.
On His Personal Facebook Page, Serdy Posted A Photo Of A Vapor Trail, Writing “If It’s Just Water Vapor, Then Why Does It Start So Abruptly,” Implying He Subscribes To Chemtrail Conspiracies. “If it’s just water vapor, then why does it start so abruptly?”
The Chemtrails Theory Is That The Government Is Secretly Adding Toxic Chemicals To The Atmosphere From Aircraft “In A Way That Forms Visible Plumes.” “Chemtrails refers to the theory that governments or other parties are engaged in a secret program to add toxic chemicals to the atmosphere from aircraft in a way that forms visible plumes in the sky, somewhat similar to contrails. Various different motivations for this alleged spraying are speculated, including sterilization, reduction of life expectancy, mind control or weather control. We have not seen any credible evidence that chemtrails exist. If we did see any evidence that governments were endangering their own citizens in the manner alleged in the chemtrails conspiracy, we would be eager to expose and stop any such activities.” [Harvard University, David Keith’s Research Group, accessed 9/1/23]
On His Personal Facebook Page, Serdy Shared A “Qtime Network” Photo Listing Recent Athlete Deaths And Referring To The Covid Vaccine As The “Clot Shot.” “Why would Aaron Rogers not want that crap in his blood? These are European soccor players in their prime that have collapsed and died after the clot shot.”
In 2021, Jeff Serdy Was The Only County Supervisor To Comment On The Record About His Support For Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb. “Out of five Pinal County supervisors, only one, Serdy, a Republican, would comment on the record about Lamb, telling me over the phone, ‘As long as the job is being done, then we support [his other work].’ Lamb argues his outside activities help him bring in new recruits.” [Politico, 10/15/21]
In 2021, Serdy Praised Lamb To Politico, Saying “You Could Not Ask For A Better Advocate For The Second Amendment Than Sheriff Lamb.” “We’ve come to the range because shooting is Lamb’s favorite pastime. Pinal County Supervisor Jeff Serdy, who owns what he describes as a “very high-volume” gun shop in the area, told me, “You could not ask for a better advocate for the Second Amendment than Sheriff Lamb.” The back of Lamb’s black Chevy Silverado 2500 HD contains his workaday weaponry, including an AR-15 SBR. On his person, Lamb has a 9mm Glock pistol, plus a long knife, a taser, handcuffs and extra ammunition, including a magazine with a Punisher skull on it.” [Politico, 10/15/21]
In February 2021, Serdy Attended A Pro-Second Amendment Rally Where Mark Lamb Spoke. “A pro-Second Amendment rally was held on the Arizona state Capitol lawn on Saturday. Hundreds of people attended the event. Leaders of pro-gun organizations and current and former state elected officials addressed the crowd, including Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb. ‘We cannot give an inch, do not give an inch. I hate to break it to you, but I’ve been watching government for as long as I’ve been alive and they don’t return anything they take,’ said Lamb. Pinal County Supervisor Jeff Serdy, who won his position in November’s election, also addressed the crowd.” [KJZZ, 2/20/21]
In January 2023, Serdy Posted A Photo Of The 2nd Amendment Rally He Spoke At With Sheriff Mark Lamb And Representative Andy Biggs.
Roberto Reveles, A Local Activist Affiliated With The ACLU Of Arizona, Called Lamb A “Self-Centered, Extremist, Anti-Immigrant Individual” And “Some Pinal County Residents Have Called For An Audit Of The Sheriff Office’s Finances.” “Local activist Roberto Reveles, who through the ACLU of Arizona has organized against racial profiling and other anti-immigrant policies in the state, has known Lamb since his earliest days as sheriff. Reveles hoped Lamb would not turn out to be another Arpaio or Babeu. But now Reveles is among those Pinal County residents who say Lamb’s involvement in politics and entertainment has gone too far, distracting him from the job he was elected to do and perhaps even influencing how he does it. ‘He clearly has politicized law enforcement, and that covers a lot of territory,’ Reveles says, calling Lamb a ‘self-centered, extremist, anti-immigrant individual.’ Some Pinal County residents have called for an audit of the sheriff office’s finances.” [Politico, 10/15/21]
At A 2nd Amendment Rally, Serdy Told A Story Of Townspeople With Guns Taking Over A City After A Rigged Election And Comparing That Story To The January 6 Insurrection. “They basically got away with it, but they did take their town back. So you see some of the parallels. [...] Was it an insurrection? It was armed. They didn’t want any trouble. They just wanted their own government back. And what happened in Washington they weren’t armed so it wasn’t even the same.” [Facebook, 2nd Amendment Rally AZ, 2/25/23, 4:25]