Serdy Has Floated The Possibility Of Voting Against Certifying Future Elections, Asking “What If 2024 Is Even Worse And We're Forced To Vote ‘yes’ On Something We Don't Want To Vote ‘yes’ On,” And Noting That “Authority To Change The Board's Responsibilities Likely Lies With The State Legislature.” “Serdy also wants to examine the board's duty to certify election results. ‘The last two elections have been kind of wonky. What if 2024 is even worse and we're forced to vote ‘yes’ on something we don't want to vote ‘yes’ on,’ Serdy asked, adding that authority to change the board's responsibilities likely lies with the state Legislature. ‘I'd like to have that discussion to try to avoid that.’" [AZ Central, 1/4/23]
HEADLINE: “After Botching Election Results, Pinal County Wants To Try Hand-Counting Ballots.” [AZ Mirror, 5/25/23]
In May 2023, Serdy Said That The County Was Doing A “Trial Hand-Count” To “See How It Would Go.” “Supervisors Chairman Jeff Serdy told Votebeat on Wednesday that the county is planning to do a trial hand-count using a sampling of ballots cast by voters in 2022 ‘to see how it would go.’ Supervisor Mike Goodman told Votebeat he supports the plan.” [AZ Mirror, 5/25/23]
On August 2, 2023, The Pinal County Supervisors “Considered Moving Forward With Their Own Hand Count Plan.” “More rural counties toyed with the prospect of hand counting ballots in the 2024 election this week, on the urging of two state lawmakers, a handful of board members and constituents with election trust issues. [...] In a meeting today, the Pinal County Board of Supervisors considered moving forward with their own hand count plan.” [Arizona Capitol Times, 8/2/23]
Following The 2020 Election, Election Deniers And Republicans Across The Country Have Pushed For Getting Rid Of Election Machines In Favor Of Hand Counting Ballots. “It's a common refrain from election deniers and the Republicans who support them this election cycle: Get rid of the machines. According to many conspiracy theorists, the 2020 election was stolen by an algorithm, therefore if you take computers out of the voting process you can further secure your election.” [NPR, 10/7/22]
After Counties In Arizona Floated Hand Counting Their Ballots, It Was Discovered The Process Would “Cost More Than A Million Dollars And Leave It With Inaccurate Results.” “An Arizona county has decided not to hand-count its ballots in next year’s elections, after discovering that it would cost more than a million dollars and leave it with inaccurate results.” [NBC News, 8/2/23]
Elections Experts Oppose Hand-Counting Ballots As “It Takes Longer Than Counting With Machines, It’s Less Reliable, And It’s A Logistical Nightmare For U.S. Elections.” “Why do election experts oppose hand-counting ballots? It takes longer than counting with machines, it’s less reliable, and it’s a logistical nightmare for U.S. elections. A growing number of Republican lawmakers have pushed for switching to hand-counts, an argument rooted in false conspiracy theories that voting systems were manipulated to steal the 2020 election.” [AP, 11/3/23]
In July 2023, Pinal County Supervisors Voted Unanimously To Task The County Recorder With Overseeing Elections. “Pinal County supervisors voted unanimously Wednesday to task Recorder Dana Lewis with overseeing their embattled Elections Department. The decision comes about a week after former Elections Director Geraldine Roll resigned with a scathing email to County Manager Leo Lew, citing a toxic work environment.” [AZ Central, 7/5/23]
Serdy Backed The Move To Put The Administration Of Elections Under The Recorder, Saying That It Made Elections “Accountable To Citizens.” “At Wednesday’s meeting, instead of putting the Elections Department under the county recorder, the supervisors had the option of voting to take more direct control over the department by moving it immediately under the board. Previously, the elections director position reported to Lew, who serves at the pleasure of the board and essentially acts as the county's chief executive officer. Chairman Jeff Serdy said he preferred putting the department under Lewis because she holds an elected position, making elections ‘accountable to the citizens.’"